Sunday, April 11, 2010 Member states of the eurozone have offered to give Greece thirty billion euro in emergency loans for the debt-stricken country, should the latter want it. The loans’ price will be determined using formulas by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and will be set at around five percent. The Luxembourgish prime minister, Jean-Claude Juncker, speaking on behalf […]
Pirates kill four American hostages
Thursday, February 24, 2011 According to CBS 3, the four Americans taken hostage after their yacht was hijacked by pirates off the coast of Oman in the Indian Ocean have been killed. Pirates hijacked their yacht, named The Quest, on February 18. The U.S. Naval ship that was following the yacht, which was traveling off the coast of Somalia, heard […]
Celebrities contribute to Katrina relief
Published:Wednesday, September 7, 2005Updated:Saturday, September 10, 2005 (Travolta, Preston, Moore, Stones, Three Doors Down, Johnson, Smith) After Hurricane Katrina passed across the United States, various artists and media stars have leapt at a call to action. John Travolta and wife Kelly Preston flew his private plane to deliver a load of supplies and tetanus vaccine to Baton Rouge and New […]
NASA study: warming and snow melt chokes sea life 1000 miles distant
Friday, April 22, 2005 Earth science experts studying ocean currents and their relationship to snow melts have discovered that an unusual heating of the ground in one place on our planet can choke off sea life over a thousand miles away. In a new NASA funded study, they have found that a decline in winter and spring snow cover over […]
Wikinews interviews Joe Schriner, Independent U.S. presidential candidate
Saturday, April 17, 2010 Journalist, counselor, painter, and US 2012 Presidential candidate Joe Schriner of Cleveland, Ohio took some time to discuss his campaign with Wikinews in an interview. Schriner previously ran for president in 2000, 2004, and 2008, but failed to gain much traction in the races. He announced his candidacy for the 2012 race immediately following the 2008 […]
‘Purity’ ring case taken to High Court
Saturday, June 23, 2007 Lydia Playfoot, a 16 year old schoolgirl from West Sussex, England, has been faced with expulsion by her school, Millais School of Horsham, for wearing a purity ring that symbolises her dedication to chastity. Her case, that she should be allowed to wear the ring as it is an “expression of [her] faith and should be […]
Texas Commissioner of Agriculture visits schools to kick off National School Lunch Week
Saturday, October 16, 2010 US Texas Commissioner of Agriculture Todd Staples visited Orr Elementary school in Tyler, Texas on Wednesday to kick off National School Lunch week for the state. Commissioner Staples spoke to over 200 students during lunch about the importance of eating healthy. “During the old days, the Three R’s in school meant ‘Reading, ‘Writing and ‘Arithmetic’ […] […]
Follow Your Heart To Build Or Renovate Your Home}
Click Here To Know More About: Deck Design Brisbane Brisbane Deck Builder Submitted by: Peter Antony It is our comprehension of your dreams of a reverie that furnish wings with us to fly you to the point of materializing your fantasies. We render this transformation when we take upon ourselves the diverse task as Home builder Sydney. However, in this […]
Founder of UK sports car manufacturer TVR dies in Spain
Saturday, June 7, 2008 Trevor Wilkinson, who founded the UK performance car manufacturer TVR has died at his home in Minorca, Spain. He was 85. Wilkinson, from Blackpool, left education at 14, getting an apprenticeship at a local garage. In 1946 he bought a local wheelwright’s business, which he renamed Trevcar Motors, which sold and repaired cars, as well as […]
US actor Dennis Hopper dies at age 74
Saturday, May 29, 2010 Actor, director, and artist Dennis Hopper has died today at the age of 74. He was known to suffer from prostate cancer since October 2009. He was born Dennis Lee Hopper on May 17, 1936 in Dodge City, Kansas. As a young man, Hopper became interested in acting and eventually became a student of the Actors […]