Allegations President Bush staged photo-ops in aftermath of Hurricane Katrina tragedy

Tuesday, September 6, 2005 In a press release issued Saturday, September 3rd, 2005, Democratic Senator Mary L. Landrieu of Louisiana claims that President Bush staged a photo opportunity, at the breached 17th Street levee, by having equipment quickly moved into the background during the event. Senator Landrieu says the equipment was dispersed elsewhere the next day, but did not provide […]

Euro reaches new lows

Friday, July 15, 2011 On Tuesday, the Euro fell to a new record low in relation to the Swiss Franc, and to multi-month lows against the U.S. Dollar and Japanese yen; all considered by investors to be safe currencies during times of economic turmoil. The Wall Street Journal reported earlier that recent comments from the newly installed head of the […]

Four-year-old boy attacked by Pit bull mix

Friday, August 24, 2007 Just before midnight Wednesday, four-year-old Taylor Bailey, nicknamed Bucky, was attacked by a neighbor’s dog. The Staffordshire Bull Terrier mix named Money chased the boy after he stepped out of his mother’s car, eventually knocking the boy to the ground and latching onto his leg. The same dog had bitten the boy’s father the week before, […]

Wikinews interviews US National Archives Wikipedian in Residence

Thursday, June 30, 2011 This article mentions the Wikimedia Foundation, one of its projects, or people related to it. Wikinews is a project of the Wikimedia Foundation. Dominic McDevitt-Parks, a prolific contributor to Wikipedia and a graduate student in history and archives management, agreed to answer a few questions about his new role as “Wikipedian in Residence” at the US […]

Hell Pizza condom advertisements: complaints upheld

Wednesday, November 29, 2006 A record number of complaints, over 600, against the New Zealand restaurant chain Hell Pizza for its advertising campaign using condoms delivered via letterbox have been upheld by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA). Family First “welcomes heavenly decision from ASA on Hells Pizza.” Hell Pizza delivered sealed foil condoms in a cardboard box to households nationwide. […]

Study: Socialized Canadian surgery half the U.S. cost with same results

Wednesday, July 13, 2005 Americans pay twice as much for heart-bypass surgery as the socialized Canadian system, with no difference in outcome, according to today’s issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine in a study funded by American drug company, Pfizer Inc.. The research found that heart bypass surgery costs an average of $10,373 in Canada, compared with $20,673 in […]

Things To Know Before You Invest In Gold Eagles

Click Here To Know More About: Buying Gold Coins Scottsdale Buy Gold San Diego byAlma Abell Have you been considering investing in gold? If so, one of your best options is to invest in Gold Eagles. You can easily buy Gold Eagles in Seymour, TX, but before you do, you should probably collect some information. The US Gold Eagle is […]

MetLife to acquire Travelers Life and Annuity from Citigroup

Monday, January 31, 2005 Metlife announced on 01/31/05 that they were going to acquire Travelers Life and Annuity from Citigroup. Travelers Life and Annuity is an insurance underwriter. MetLife is a large life insurance and annuities underwriter. MetLife will have to borrow a lot of money to pay for the company, so rating agencies like S&P warn that the AA […]