Craft Booth: Giving Your Customers Starbucks Like Rewards

By Shawn Vincent
The other day I indulged myself in a Starbucks sandwich. They have one called the Italian Grinder and it’s to die for. Full of meats, cheese and all kinds of peppers. Just what the doctor ordered!
As usual they swiped my card and asked me if I’d like my sandwich heated, to which I answered “Yes”. After heating it, they gently placed it into a sturdy white bag, rolled it up nice and tight, and put a sticker on it to keep it that way. Then they handed me the sandwich with a gracious smile, and said they hoped I had a nice day.
Treating customers with this kind of rewarding experience is one of the big reasons why Starbucks is now a household name. People worldwide are making trips to the coffee giant as part of their daily routine.
“From Selling Coffee To Making Starbucks Visa Cards”
Maybe you’re thinking to yourself, “You must be joking. All you did was buy a sandwich.” But just think how successful Starbucks has been at turning this type of customer service into cash. After all, they’re selling coffee and pastries for the most part. Hasn’t Dunkin’ Doughnuts been doing that for a while now?
But Starbucks has done it so well, that now you can get gift cards, mugs, t-shirts and all sorts of things with the Starbucks name on it. And it sells.
You can even get a Starbucks credit card. Pretty amazing that you can do all that by selling coffee. Isn’t America great?!
For certain their success isn’t just their customer interaction. The atmosphere and designer coffees are major parts of the experience. But, powerful customer one on one is a must if they want to keep making those trips to the bank.
But you don’t have to be a coffee giant to offer that type of personal touch. You can do the same thing, and have people love you for it. They’ll truly appreciate your consideration of them. They’ll feel like you’ve given them rewards for being there, and they’ll want to come back.
So, how can you give your customers rewards like Starbucks? There are several lessons that can be gleaned from my experience at Starbucks, but here’s one of the biggies.
Give Them Your Attention
How much do you appreciate someone giving you their undivided attention? Exactly. Your customers feel the same way. Giving them your focused attention gives them the sense you care about them. Making people feel that way pays huge dividends.
If they feel like you’re in a hurry and want them to leave, then they will, and they’ll take their cash with them. Not what you’re shooting for.
I can’t believe how many times I’ve gone to trade shows or fairs and seen people sitting in their booth reading a book or watching TV. Do you think that’s showing customers you care and are glad they came? Not hardly.
Being distracted when customers come by is one of the fastest ways to kill a sale. Have you ever been talking to someone and they’re constantly distracted with something else? You immediately get the sense that they really aren’t listening to you and you’re bothering them. It’s very frustrating.
You need to be ready to engage customers. You need to show them you want them to stop at your booth. You want them to walk away feeling like it was a rewarding experience to have spent some of their time with you.
When customers have that sense of reward, they’ll be more than happy to spend money in your booth. They’ll have the sense that you’re genuine, and they’ll want to see you succeed. People enjoy helping someone they feel is genuine.
So take the time to interact with, and enjoy the people. You’ll find, in many ways, the experience is just as rewarding for you.
About the Author: For more information on selling your crafts, see
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