Social Bookmarking Is Here To Stay}
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Submitted by: Paul Majestyck
Have you ever read a really interesting article online only to see an icon underneath that suggested you should “share” or “bookmark” it? If so, you have probably become aware of a phenomenon known as social bookmarking and it is here to stay. In a most rudimentary way, social bookmarking is reminiscent of the “favorites” button you most likely know about. It is located in your browser bar – you might have it set up with a shortcut on your keyboard – and it permits you to save certain websites or pages to your computer. Later on you may access them to either revisit them, check on any developments, or just to be saved the time and hassle of having to type in the web address each and every time you want to visit. Of course, if you are not at your computer, then you will have no access to your saved web pages.
Social bookmarking is somewhat similar with the exception of its being a ‘Net wide phenomenon. Thus, you may save the web pages you would like to remember or later on visit simply online. There is, however, another most interesting component to this phenomenon: other Internet users have access to your “favorites lists” and you may have others click on these links as well so as to see what it was that you were looking at. If you are an affiliate marketer, then this little slice of life is worth its weight in gold since it means that there is a whole segment of the population out there that can be wooed for free!
Since these social bookmarking sites are hugely popular, any links placed of them will have a most sizable exposure, which in marketing terms is almost akin to niche marketing. It is therefore not surprising to find that some articles – especially those that serve as vehicles for advertisements – will be saved to a plethora of such social bookmarking sites, and sometimes will even be geared to a specific clientele that seeks to encompass the median website user with respect to age, gender, and interests. Articles bookmarked at sites where the surfer dudes are most likely to visit will have a different tone and feel than those which are written for a conservative clientele.
Of course, do not put too much stock into the social bookmarking phenomenon if you are an affiliate marketer on a tight budget. Yes, there is the opportunity for a plethora of free advertising, but do not be misled into thinking that you can use social bookmarking instead of any other kind of advertising. It is a great boost for your already ongoing marketing campaigns but it cannot replace any such campaign. Instead, if you fail to advertise further, even the little bursts of extra traffic will do precious little to help your bottom line since many other marketers are doing exactly the same thing and while an article that is fresh and new will undoubtedly rise to the top, as soon as newer and fresher content becomes available yours will gradually sink.
About the Author: Paul Majestyck is the publisher of EZ Affiliate Profits :Great Articles Top Notch Resources Free e-Courses Product Reviews & Videos To Help You Shorten The Online Learning-Curve And Start Generating Income visit=>
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